Meaning Corporate event
What does Corporate event mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Corporate event. You can also add a definition of Corporate event yourself


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Corporate event

Event organized by a company for a number of different reasons, such as training, launching a new product, motivating or rewarding staff, clients or suppliers, etc. See Event.


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Corporate event

An event in relation to a security as a result of which the holder will be or may become entitled to: a benefit (dividend, rights issue etc.); or securities other than those which he holds prior to that event (takeover offer, scheme of arrangement, conversion, redemption etc.). This type of corporate event is also known as a stock situation. COUPON [..]
Source: (offline)


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Corporate event

An event which affects the life of an issue or the issuer (e.g. stock split, increase in capital…) See: stock event, securities
Source: (offline)


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Corporate event

See corporate action (corporate event)
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